- 100 Best Christian Books Ever Written
- 50 Things the Holy Spirit Does
- A Jesus Manifesto
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- A Vanishing God
- Advice for Christian Authors
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- Are You in the Wilderness?
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- Have You Heard?
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- How Ambition Destroys Discernment
- Insight from President Obama
- Jesus in a Dilemma
- Kingdom Confusion
- Legalism, License, Lordship, and Liberty
- Lessons from RUSH
- Myths About Pagan Christianity
- Neil Cole & Frank Viola Dialogue
- Organic Church Isn't a Movement
- Recharging Your Creativity
- Response to Mark Driscoll
- Rethinking Christian Unity
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- Rethinking Righteousness
- Rethinking the Five-Fold Ministry
- Revise Us Again
- Spiritual Instincts for the Poor
- The Anatomy of the Church
- The Collapse of Evangelicalism
- The Eternal Purpose
- The Ultimate Plagiarism
- Things Aren't Always What They Seem
- Twitter vs. Facebook
- Typing the Wrong Email Address
- Visiting an Organic Church
- We Have Not So Learned Jesus Christ
- What Blogging Has Taught Me
- What Does Organic Church Look Like?
- What is an Organic Church?
- Why I Love the Church
- Writing, Ministry, and Money